“Home” is a powerful concept. Except for “love,” it may be the abstract desire we most long for within our lives. For all of us fortunate enough to grow up in a loving home, we intrinsically understand the effect of our childhood home upon our adult lives. At Davis...
Davis & Elkins College is privileged to have Dave Morrison, PhD, member of D&E’s Class of ‘79 and founder of the Morrison-Novakovic Center for Faith and Public Policy, as its “Scholar-in-Residence.” Morrison began postsecondary education as a student of Davis...
Davis & Elkins College proudly announces a month-long celebration marking its 120th anniversary with a series of events under the theme “A September to Remember.” Established through the generous donations of Senators and local citizens, the College first opened...
Davis & Elkins College is pleased to welcome to campus Mr. Dumitru Roibu, a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) International Peacemaker from Moldova. Mr. Roibu is Executive President of YMCA Moldova. His history of YMCA community service includes roles such as World...
Davis & Elkins College will host the West Virginia Intermediate Court of Appeals on Tuesday, September 17, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in Harper-McNeeley Auditorium in the Myles Center for the Arts. The event is open to the public and will allow attendees to see the...