Are You a Senator?

Our mission at Davis & Elkins College is to produce critical thinkers and lifelong learners.
Why? Because those are the people who may try and fail, but they also can adapt and grow. The ones who press on until they succeed.
But success for its own sake is empty. Senators are value-driven. They value deep and meaningful relationships, seeking to understand one another across differences, the sanctity of truth and the beauty of the natural world.
senators represent:
Do you believe … in you?
What It’s Like Being a D&E Senator
Ours is a small campus of less than 800 students, so we share the friendly, small-town vibe of the City of Elkins we call home. It’s a place full of country charm and hospitality, where kindness is a way of life and everyone feels like family.
Everyone Feels
like Family
Your instructors don’t just know your name. They get to know your plans and dreams, sometimes better than you do. Faculty here have a way of recommending programs, clubs and internship opportunities you didn’t even know you wanted.
It’s life in a small but mighty center of arts & culture where self-expression is encouraged, celebrated and even financially supported through scholarships. It’s an environment where you’ll have the freedom to try new ideas and find fuel for your ambition.
Leaders rise here – where the spirit of friendly competition is in the air. Whether it’s against your rivals in sports or against yourself in academics. At Davis and Elkins you will reach new heights as a student athlete.
You Will Grow As a Leader
Our students actively improve our community – on campus and wherever they go in the world.
Student Athletes
Acre Campus
Leading the Way is in the Senator DNA

The City of Elkins was built by two U.S. senators in the early 1900s.
Henry Gassaway Davis and his son-in-law, Stephen Benton Elkins, developed industry and the railroad lines that made it thrive. They also donated land and money to establish, in partnership with the Presbyterian Church, what would officially become Davis & Elkins College in 1904.
Meanwhile, Elkins was transforming itself from a town known for its coal and timber production to an arts community known for its celebration of the natural world. College and town evolved together. In 1926, D&E would move from its original location in south Elkins to its present location, a plot of land that includes Mrs. Hallie Davis Elkins’ home (Henry’s daughter and Stephen’s wife), Halliehurst. In 1941, the college would acquire Senator Davis’s historic summer home, Graceland, which today operates as an inn.
All of this has happened because two people – Davis and Elkins – applied their initiative and leadership ability to creating something new and ambitious. But their legacy is not the industry, the town or the college they built. Instead, the legacy of Davis & Elkins is the spirit of innovation they left behind. It’s the spirit that leaders channel to help people, improve communities and ultimately change the world.
It’s with that same spirit that D&E Senators are leading the way today. You will, too.
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