The Davis & Ekins College Office of Student Life presented various awards to students and staff in recognition of their exemplary service to the campus community during the 2020-2021 academic year. The annual ceremony, led by Vice President for Student Affairs Scott Goddard, took place in Madden Student Center Timms Lounge.
“The Davis & Elkins College mission – ‘To prepare and inspire students for success and for thoughtful engagement in the world’ – is fulfilled in and out of the classroom,” Goddard said. “The Office of Student Life supports the mission by providing services and programs that engage students in active learning, by building a supportive and inclusive community, by supporting the emotional growth and personal development of students, and by making a positive contribution to the quality of student life. The students honored this year and every year bring all those tenants to fruition. It is a true highlight of the academic year to celebrate them.”
The Campus Impact Award, given to the person or group who through their good works have made the campus a better place, was presented to the COVID-19 Task Force. Chaired by Vice President for Enrollment Management and Institutional Advancement Dr. Rosemary Thomas, the group was formed in March 2020 to begin planning the return to campus during a pandemic in fall 2020. Members of the Task Force are Campus Nurse Diana Burke-Ross, Director of Public Safety Mike Jordan, Director of Dining Services Scotty Marshall, Director of Human Resources Jane Corey, Facilities Services Director Ryan LaBrozzi, Executive Assistant to the President Beth King, Vice President for Student Affairs Scott Goddard, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Rob Phillips, System Administrator Adam Stiles and Athletic Director Jamie Joss.
The Charles H. Potter II Scholarship Award is presented to the student or students who most exemplify leadership in the Davis & Elkins College community. This year’s recipient is Bradley Sisler, who currently serves in several student leadership roles including president of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Senator Entertainment. He also is a member of the men’s lacrosse team and president-elect of Student Assembly. A management major originally from New Castle, Delaware, he is the son of Bernie Sisler of Arthurdale.
The Outstanding Junior and Senior Student Life Awards are presented to a male and female from each class who through service to others, investment of talent and time, and pursuit of excellence, have significantly and positively left their mark at Davis & Elkins College outside of the classroom.
The Outstanding Junior Award, female, went to Eleonora Pierre of London, Ontario, Canada. An exercise science and kinesiology major, Pierre is a member of the triathlon team, president of the International Student Organization, Junior Class Senator, chair of the Dining Committee and vice president-elect of Student Assembly. She is the daughter of Al and Edwidge Pierre.
The Outstanding Junior Award, male, was presented to Tycen Allan. The treasurer of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity and member of the men’s lacrosse team, Allan majors in environmental science. He is the son of Trevor and Johanna Kortenschyl-Allan of High River, Alberta, Canada.
Winner of the Outstanding Senior Award, female, is Karin Rosario Saleme of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Rosario is a member of the women’s soccer team and vice president of the International Student Organization and Student Athlete Advisory Council. A marketing and hospitality management major, she is the daughter of Americo and Sarah Saleme de Rosario.
The Outstanding Senior Award, male, went to Sora Sekiguchi. The manager of the softball team, Sekiguchi is a member of the International Student Organization and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. A hospitality and tourism management major, he is the son of Fumio and Fumiko Sekiguchi of Shiroi City, Chiba, Prefecture, Japan.

Attending the Davis & Elkins College Student Life Awards are, from left, members of the COVID-19 Task Force, winners of the Campus Impact Award, Scotty Marshall, Diana Burke-Ross, Jane Corey and Dr. Rosemary Thomas; Charles H. Potter II Scholarship Award recipient Brad Sisler; Outstanding Senior Award recipient Karin Rosario; Outstanding Junior Award recipient Eleonora Pierre; D&E President Chris A. Wood and Vice President for Student Affairs Scott Goddard.

Vice President for Student Affairs Scott Goddard, left, and Administrative Assistant for the Office of Student Life and Coordinator of Parent Relations Lisa Senic congratulate Outstanding Senior Award recipient Sora Sekiguchi, second from left, and Outstanding Junior Award recipient Tycen Allan.