Davis & Elkins College is proud to announce fundraising for the most recent fiscal year set a school record. With the momentum of its ambitious capital campaign for new student housing, the College raised $18,529,396 between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, surpassing the previous record of $16,784,848 set just one year earlier.
This unprecedented achievement highlights the remarkable generosity of the College’s supporters, with a significant surge in contributions to the Creating Home…It Takes a Village Campaign. While estate gifts played a crucial role, it was the enthusiastic support of many alumni and friends that truly drove the record-breaking results for this $25 million multi-year initiative dedicated to building The Freshman Village at Davis & Elkins College
At the heart of this transformative campaign is the $18 million Glory Residence Hall, a 31,823 square-foot state-of-the-art facility designed with pod-style living arrangements, modern amenities, and stunning views of the campus and the majestic West Virginia mountains. Slated to open its doors in September 2024, Glory Residence Hall will be complemented by the renovation of two additional residence halls, Gribble and Roxanna Booth, finalizing the Freshman Village at Davis & Elkins College. College officials announced Glory Residence Hall will open debt-free, reflecting the campaign’s success in reaching 90% of its $25 million goal.
Davis & Elkins College President Chris A. Wood emphasized the significance of this achievement, stating, “We are quite literally building for the future. The extraordinary generosity of our alumni and friends not only affirms our mission but also invests in the lives of our students, both current and future. It is remarkable for a small, private college nestled in the mountains of Randolph County to attract over $18 million in support invested in the lives of our outstanding students who will be tomorrow’s leaders. On behalf of our students, I extend my deepest thanks to each donor for their life-changing contributions.”
Scott Goddard, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, also expressed his gratitude, noting, “The phenomenal support we’ve garnered is a powerful testament to the deep impact that our alumni and friends have on the future of Davis & Elkins College. This record is a celebration of their commitment and a reflection of the compelling vision behind the Creating Home campaign. We are profoundly grateful for their dedication, which will ensure that our new facilities will inspire and support generations of students to come.”
While this past year has been exceptional for D&E, the Creating Home campaign is still underway. With the $25 million goal in sight, every contribution remains vital. Gifts may be made online at https://www.dewv.edu/give/ or by check to the College’s Advancement Office. Remaining campaign contributions will fund the renovation of the two existing residence halls to complete the Freshman Village.
The dedication of Glory Residence Hall is scheduled for Saturday, October 12, at 11:00 a.m. during Homecoming Weekend. The campus community and the public are warmly invited to celebrate this achievement and tour the new residence facility.
For more information about the Creating Home: It Takes a Village campaign or to support Davis & Elkins College, please visit https://www.dewv.edu/give/.