You likely know the old cliché about always seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. In front of me as I type this column is a special pair of glasses through which I often attempt to view the world. Among the most influential people in my life was my father....
As has been true for so many across the country, including those in the deep south, the winter of 2025 has been a memorable one in the West Virginia mountains. From both alumni and Elkinites, I have heard many stories of winters past that left indelible memories....
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates’ words remind me of the necessity to pause and reflect among the busyness and noise of modern life. In these moments when we unplug, retreat to a place of solitude, and take time to look inward, perspective is...
On a recent flight I had a talkative seatmate. When she discovered I was a private college president, she brought up a subject I frequently hear. It was the same subject I discussed with a gentleman in a downtown Elkins restaurant the previous week. Over the past...
“Blessing” is a powerful word and a life-altering concept. In our increasingly divided and sometimes toxic society, blessings, both experienced and shared, are a salve on the wounds and pain we experience in life. Webster defines “blessing” as a beneficial thing for...