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Reflecting Along the Journey
Follow along by reading the President’s weekly “Reflecting Along the Journey” letter to the student body.
Once a Senator, Always a Senator
Forward Magazine – Summer / Fall 2022
Forward Magazine – Fall 2021
On the Cover: D&E’s head triathlon coach Dr. Chris Hammer represented the United States on the Paralympic Triathlon Team this summer and earned a fourth-place finish in the PTS5 Sport Class. He plans another go at the competition in Paris in three years. To read this issue, click here or on the magazine cover.
Forward is the magazine of Davis & Elkins College
Editor: Linda Howell Skidmore
Writers: Linda Howell Skidmore, Wendy Morgan and Cathy Nosel
Photographers: Scott Barker, Andrew Carroll, Laurie Goux, Linda Howell Skidmore, Lonnie Martin, Ryann Moore, Wendy Morgan and Julie Singleton
Forward magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Communications & Marketing. To subscribe or to submit your news, please send an email to or write to Linda Howell Skidmore, 100 Campus Drive, Elkins, WV 26241.
All previous issues of Forward Magazine can be viewed from here.
how wilL You lead the way
Barajas Selected as Recipient of Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Marissa Barajas, a senior at Lincoln High School, has been awarded $15,000 per year for four years in attendance at Davis & Elkins College by way of the Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The sum of this scholarship reaches a total of...
Dunz Selected as Recipient of Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Dillon Turner Dunz, a senior at Pocahontas County High School, has been awarded $5,000 per year for four years in attendance at Davis & Elkins College by way of the Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The sum of this scholarship reaches a...
Wolverton Selected as Recipient of Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Karmen Wolverton, a senior at Wolverton Academy, has been awarded $10,000 per year for four years in attendance at Davis & Elkins College by way of the Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The sum of this scholarship reaches a total of...
Department of Education at Davis & Elkins College Hosts Visit by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Davis & Elkins College’s Department of Education is set to host an accreditation visit by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) from April 28 – 30. The Department of Teacher Education is soliciting third party comments. The Davis &...
Thomas Selected as Recipient of Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Isabelle Thomas, a senior at Wheeling Park High School, has been awarded $5,000 per year for four years in attendance at Davis & Elkins College by way of the Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The sum of this scholarship reaches a total...
Surface Selected as Recipient of Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Jaelynne Surface, a senior at Oak Hill High School, has been awarded $10,000 per year for four years in attendance at Davis & Elkins College by way of the Citizens Bank of West Virginia Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The sum of this scholarship reaches a total of...