Davis & Elkins College will celebrate Martin Luther King Day Monday, January 18 with two events hosted by the President’s Diversity and Inclusion Initiative. An evening online symposium is open to the public.
Throughout the day, students will have opportunities to learn about the different aspects of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Topics and locations for information tables are: King’s Early Years 1929-1951, Eshleman Science Center; King’s Professional Beginnings, 1951-1955, Madden Student Center; and King & Civil Rights, 1954-1968, Myles Center for the Arts. Students are encouraged to stop by all three tables to receive information and a birthday present.
At 7 p.m., the College will offer a virtual symposium featuring Woodford United Methodist Church Pastor the Rev. Jeremiah Jasper and D&E Student Assembly Vice President Thaddaus Breckenridge. Jasper’s presentation will focus on unity, while Breckenridge will read and discuss King’s undelivered sermon “Why America May Go to Hell.”
Register for the symposium at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2-STwyVdf0Kkeyzd_h569VXONjhfWXhFgKUt9W3MwT1UNTU2OTYxU0xOVVVYNDlUWVRJVjkzRlVWSS4u.