Davis & Elkins College continues to perform random COVID-19 testing among its student body as part of its safety protocols. A total of 72 random tests were administered this week and all returned by the time of the message were negative. We are awaiting three more results. While the tests are random, they are not optional and must continue to be a vital component of D&E’s fight against this global virus.
As the result of individuals on campus who presented with symptoms or sought COVID-19 tests due to contact tracing – either on or off campus, D&E has been advised that four (4) individuals on campus have tested positive. Isolation and quarantine measures have been implemented related to these individuals, as has additional contact tracing.
Due to this most recent update, fitness facilities will be closed until further notice, but the swimming pool will remain open.
COVID-19 cases continue to surge in many states nationwide, including West Virginia. D&E safety protocols have successfully protected our campus, and our continued commitment to these health and safety policies is critical. Participation in large social gatherings exposes you and all members of the campus community to unwelcome health risks. We need to be working together and making good choices to help protect everyone. Students are reminded that D&E is now a closed campus. Those entering campus must stop for screening, as well as read and strictly follow guidelines provided at the campus entrance.
Regularly scheduled weekend disinfecting measures are part of our safety protocols, as is the use of advanced electrostatic spraying. This procedure provides a comprehensive cleaning to surfaces including equipment and electronics.
In the meantime, as cold and flu season approaches, we all must remain strong in our health practices that include wearing face masks, frequent hand washing, social distancing, and staying away from crowds and parties. Additionally, the final flu shot clinic is scheduled for November 5 in the lounge of Gribble Hall from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Spring 2021 semester registration is Tuesday, November 3
The Spring 2021 course schedule has been available to students for several weeks in preparation of course registration on Tuesday, November 3. Students who have not already done so should review course offerings and make an appointment with your faculty advisor to discuss plans for the upcoming semester and progress toward graduation.
November 4 is final day to withdraw from a course with a “W”
If you are withdrawing from a course, please make sure you have discussed it with your advisor and obtained the necessary signatures. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at x1224 with any questions.
Preview of Spring 2021 Academic Calendar
- First day of class – January 11
- Registration Day for Fall 2021 courses – March 16
- Easter Break – April 2-5
- Capstone Day – April 22
- Finals Week – May 3-6
- Graduation – May 8
- No spring break, but a few days off from class will be announced throughout the semester
Student activities weekend schedule:
D&E Hallowbaloo and Night of the Living Dead Celebration
The following is the schedule of FREE activities for this weekend. Be sure to wear your face mask, keep your hands clean, and practice social distancing.
Friday, October 30
Free Friday: Halloween Giveaway Blowout; Madden Student Center (rotunda); 5-7 p.m.
Make your own/personalized Halloween mason jar, mug, or tumbler. Sponsored by Senator Entertainment.
Free Friday: Haunted D&E Walking Tour; Halliehurst (gather in front of the mansion by the flower garden); 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. (two separate tours, group size is limited due to COVID-19 precautions)
The Haunted D&E Walking Tour will offer a blend of historical facts, local legends, and true ghost stories. You will hear tales by lantern light of spirits that haunt the campus landmarks from a tour guide dressed in historic costume. Presented by Karl Mulac and sponsored by Senator Entertainment.
Saturday, October 31
D&E Hallowbaloo! A series of events celebrating Halloween, sponsored by Senator Entertainment!
Night of the Living Dead Celebration; Outdoor Amphitheatre/Front Campus Lawn; 6-8 p.m.
Halloween is going to be a bit different this year…but that doesn’t mean you can’t show off your amazing costume! This special event includes a live DJ (DJ KSwift), fire pits, a costume contest, apple cider, food cart, and scary movie on the big screen immediately following. Costumes are highly encouraged. Best costume wins $200 (a D&E/Follett bookstore gift card). Sponsored by Senator Entertainment.
A Movie on the Lawn: Night of the Living Dead; Outdoor Amphitheatre/Front Campus Lawn; 8-10 p.m.
Before The Walking Dead! … before World War Z and 28 Days Later… before the Day, the Dawn, the Shaun, and the Diary! … there was Night of the Living Dead! George A. Romero’s seminal 1968 horror classic all but invented the zombie genre, influencing dozens (if not hundreds) of zombie movies, TV shows, and books to follow. Celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the movie! A group of strangers is forced to take shelter in a secluded, Elkins-esque farmhouse after a Venus probe returns from space and creates a zombie outbreak. They must somehow put their differences aside if they’re to survive the Night of the Living Dead. Rife with social commentary still relevant today, Night of the Living Dead is the Godfather of zombie horror. See it … before the zombies see you! Sponsored by Senator Entertainment.
NOTE: These activities/events are FREE! Be sure to wear your face mask, keep your hands clean, practice social distancing, and follow D&E COVID-19 safety policies. And have fun!
Mental health counseling sessions available to students
Counseling through D&E Counseling and Wellness Services is free to college students and is being offered through a tele-mental health format this semester. Telepsychiatry services are also available to students through iSelectMD with any related fees charged to the individual’s student account. Students may schedule an appointment for counseling or telepsychiatry services by calling 304-637-1363, texting 304-621-7339, or emailing fallettam@dewv.edu. We can also provide information for off-campus counselors, psychologists, and/or psychiatrists to students, faculty, and staff.
Two female resident assistant positions open for Spring 2021 semester
The Office of Student Life – Residence Life has two female resident assistant (RA) positions to be filled for the Spring 2021 semester. The first available position is in Roxanna Booth Hall. You must be at least a sophomore to apply for the RA position in Roxanna Booth Hall. The second available position is in Presidential Center, where only juniors and seniors may apply for the open position. Click here to review the Resident Assistant Position Description and Terms of Employment.
If you are interested in applying, please complete the Resident Assistant Application and follow these steps:
- after completing the application, save the application with your name as the file name;
- attach a copy of your resume and your hall program sample (if you need assistance drafting a resume, contact Mr. Christopher Jones, Director of Career Services, at jonesc3@dewv.edu);
- email all of the documents to Ms. Kate Garlick, Assistant Dean of Students and Title IX & Section 504 Coordinator, at garlickk@dewv.edu; and
- be sure to send the email from your D&E email address
Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, November 9. You may also drop off physical copies of your application and documentation in the Office of Student Life during normal business hours
Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Your COVID-19 behavior impacts the entire D&E campus
Students are reminded that they will be held accountable for their actions, and measures will be taken for violators. Violations of the Davis & Elkins College Code of Conduct will be processed in accordance with the discipline policy (sanctions range from/include fines, residence hall suspension, and expulsion). Serious disciplinary actions have already been taken for violation of safety protocols on campus. If you see a violation of the College Code of Conduct, you can report it using this form. We all share the responsibility of keeping D&E healthy and safe.
Academic schedule reminders
November 3 – Register for Spring 2020 courses
November 4 – Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W”
November 20 – Last day of classes
November 21 – Final exams begin
November 25 – Last Day of Final Exams
December 1 – All grades are due by 1:00 p.m.
Reminder: Non-essential travel protocol
D&E continues to strongly discourage travel outside the 90-mile commuter zone. If you engage in non-essential travel, a strict process has been put in place to protect the D&E community. For pre-approved “essential travel” designation, students must consult with the Campus Nurse, the Dean of Students, or the Academic Dean before travel occurs. Essential travel will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
If you choose to travel and your travel is deemed non-essential, your return to campus will be processed in the following manner, including assessed fees for specific services during your quarantine period.
- You must check in with the D&E Office of Public Safety. From there, you will be escorted to a private quarantine room in the Byrd Center.
- Quarantine begins the day you arrive back to campus – Day 0. You will be tested for COVID-19 on Day 4 by the Campus Nurse. You may not leave quarantine until your test results are received and they are negative. COVID testing is self-pay (you provide your health insurance information to the nurse).
- Quarantine means you may not leave the room and you may not have visitors.
- Your classes will be delivered in an online format. It is your responsibility to communicate with your faculty.
- Food will be delivered to you. You must fill out the meals form before meals will be delivered.
- You will be assessed a meal delivery charge, a cleaning fee, and a COVID testing fee.
- If you test positive for COVID, quarantine continues for 10 more days, provided symptoms do not manifest.
- Failure to report to the Office of Public Safety after a travel excursion is in violation of the college’s code of conduct, which will result in sanctions (ranging from/including fines, residence hall suspension, and expulsion).
Help keep our campus safe. Stay out of large crowds and practice safety protocols that include wearing a face mask, social distancing, and washing your hands. By following safety guidelines, the campus stays open.
Check this weekly student update, the D&E Mobile App, and your email regularly for updates. The Emergency Notification System (nixle) will also be used as appropriate.
Please wear a face mask, practice social distancing, and stay well.