Study Abroad
Ways to Study Abroad

You may not wish or be able to spend a full year or semester abroad, so D&E offers many other opportunities to experience and learn off-campus. Through internships and mission/service-based tours, D&E has formed close bonds with communities all around the world and our students have traveled to locations of which they could only dream.
Students may work out an independent arrangement with an international institution of learning.
Classes &
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Over the past several years, D&E has offered class travel experiences in Ecuador, Peru, Kenya, Nicaragua and Israel. Some of these offerings are in cooperation with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) which also sponsors additional programs, such as Young Adult Volunteers. In addition, D&E routinely organizes Spring Break tours of European and South and Central American countries led by faculty and/or staff members.
Study Abroad Sampler
Biology: Thailand
Several D&E students have traveled to Thailand where they studied biology and conservation, as well as religion. The result was a better understanding and appreciation for respective religious practices and opportunities to travel throughout this exotic land.
Media/Theatre: London
A popular destination among many D&E students looking for their first experience out of the country or studying abroad, London has been visited due to its strong roots in literature and wide array of entertainment and media outlets.
Environmental Studies: Ecuador
D&E students and faculty retraced the voyage of Charles Darwin to the Galapagos Islands and explored the central highlands and rainforest of Ecuador. Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection were studied as well as an introduction to the region’s geology and ecology.
Environmental Writing: Peru
A unique interdisciplinary experience combined English with Environmental Studies. Students traveled to Peru and, after living in the village of Vicos and exploring Huaraz, they put their observations into writing.
Cultural/Humanitarian Exchange: Kenya
Thanks to a unique partnership with African churches in the area, D&E students traveled to Nyeri, Kenya and the National Museums of Nairobi, experiencing first-hand the people, culture and wildlife of Kenya.
History (WWII): Europe
Seventy years after D-Day, D&E students were able to witness the effects of World War II on a trip that began with a visit to the Cabinet War Rooms in London and stretched from the then-German occupied Rouen and Paris to the cityscape of Berlin.
Art: Italy and Greece
Combining travel and instruction, D&E students from an art theory course, and diversity and geography classes traveled to Italy and Greece, visiting two major ancient cities, Rome and Athens, and numerous significant sites along the way, including The Sistine Chapel, the ruins of Pompeii and the Acropolis and Parthenon.
Theology: Nicaragua
In the almost 40 years following the 1972 earthquake that devastated Managua, Nicaraguan churches have partnered with local organizations to promote agricultural sustainability and peaceful reconciliation in communities. As part of a course in liberation theology, D&E students and professors combined education, travel, service and fun into an exhilarating experience.
Contact Dr. Jennifer Tesar for more information
Ten Step Checklist to Study Abroad
- If you are interested in full year or semester long study abroad programs, make an appointment through the Office of Academic Affairs to learn about programs and opportunities as soon as possible.
- Discuss your plans with your parents/guardians.
- Attend one of the open meetings regularly held a few times each semester for students interested in studying abroad.
- Attend a presentation by a visiting representative of one of the study abroad agencies we work with or sit in on any presentations by students returning from studying abroad.
- Speak with your academic adviser. Some majors are more structured and sequenced than others and may call for special care when preparing to study abroad.
- Visit the Office of the Registrar, which can help you make sure studying abroad does not cause you to lose ground toward graduation.
- Consult the Office of Financial Aid. By and large, the financial aid you receive to study at D&E will apply when you study abroad. Additionally, consider visiting the Office of Student Accounts for details about payment.
- Explore the possibility of a scholarship from an outside agency or consider approaching organizations such as a church or club you belong to for additional financial help.
- Once you have decided on your program, fill out your schedule on the forms provided by the D&E. Each class you choose will need to be assigned an equivalent in the College Catalog and approved by its teacher. Be prepared for adjustments to your schedule once you arrive at your international institution. We will ask you to find alternates for all your classes before you leave.
- Get your passport and find out if the country where you will be studying requires you to obtain a visa or register with an agency, such as the local police, when you arrive.